Saturday, May 2, 2015

May Day -- May 1, 2015

We did not make little paper baskets and fill them with candy and flowers, and hang them on doorknobs, push the bell and run away to hide. That's what we did as kids in Buchanan Michigan. Those were delightful days.

Today was a pleasure too, but not at all the same. May Day passed in Anchorage in a more subdued style with sun, a cool breeze, and more spring time action around town.

Construction downtown, with pedestrians barred from sidewalks everywhere by stretches of orange netting.

Boy with a kite -- the south wind was good for something besides keeping me chilly. The boy in blue behind him is playing Frisbee with his dad.

The kite aloft.

Picnic on a sunny Friday afternoon at Valley of the Moon park.

Basketball on the Park Strip near the old Pete's City Gym building. A couple of months ago, this was in use as an ice hockey rink.

Anchorage has some odd sculpture. This one is in front of what used to be a telephone company building on E Street. Jim thinks that it dates from the early 1970s, and that its name was something like Discovery (perhaps some readers will know more about this). White paint has been added to Dad's, Mom's, and Baby's faces. They are looking in awe (apparently) at a telephone handset.

A log home with a miniature cache in front, and wood flower carving on the front door.

None of the birds (or moose) got around to eating these berries on the mountain ash tree, and the new leaves are pushing out to the sun anyway.

Green grass in the evening sunshine. In a week, this will be so common that I will quit posting pictures of it.

Evening did come, and with it a nearly full moon.

Mt. Redoubt, seen on the other side of the airport peninsula. That's either a small cloud or a puff of smoke (it's a volcano) on its right side.

A lot of people came out to see the sunset, including a small pod of bikers.

Three Alaska Airlines flights landed, one right after the other.

Sun setting behind Susitna. A few days ago, it was to the left of the mountain.

Magpie at Westchester Lagoon.

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